Tuesday Tales – #TT1 – Beat

Tuesday Tales

Welcome to Tuesday Tales!!

I know it’s been a few weeks. Colds, doctor appointments, and snow days have gotten in the way. Here’s hoping we can get back on track with Buck’s story.


Buck found Penny stationed at the reception desk bright and early the following morning. He’d known she would keep her word, especially if it meant she could harass him.

She’d dressed in her yoga gear and tossed a towel around her neck, trying to look the part, he guessed.

His own attire of sweatpants and a fleece pullover didn’t exactly scream ‘I’m here to get my sweat on’, but he was still working on his motivation.

Several other members of the studio had arrived and tossed yoga mats out on the classroom floor. They shucked their tennies and stretched in preparation for the class.

“Better get over there. Lark is ready to start,” Penny prodded.

He gave her a half-hearted wave and moseyed over to the floor. Lark bounded over to him as soon as he selected a mat from those provided.

“Good to see you here. It makes me feel a little more legitimate.” She smiled, pulling a thick green mat from the stack and handing it to him. “This one is thicker. It’ll be easier on your knees.”

“It’d be easier on my knees if I didn’t try these contortions.” He unrolled the mat and spread it on the floor.

“But that wouldn’t be as good for the rest of your body.” She patted his arm.

“That’s what they tell me.”

“How’s mo–I mean, Marilyn?”

Buck explained about the infection and Lark’s face fell.

“I’m sure they’ll get it under control. She’ll be fine in no time.”

Lark’s expression brightened. “I’m glad you asked me to do this. I am happy to be able to help out in a small way.”

“I’m sure she will appreciate being able to keep her business open.”

Lark’s smile faltered. “Will?”

Buck shifted his weight and tapped his toe against a lump in his yoga mat. “I didn’t get a chance to ask her. I’m sure it will be fine though.”

Lark didn’t look convinced. “I better get this class started. Don’t complain that I beat you up. Marilyn won’t appreciate that.”

Buck kicked off his shoes. “I’ll be too worn out to complain even if you don’t.”

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out the rest of the Tuesday Tales at  http://tuesdaytales1.blogspot.com/.


  1. Another great snippet! Loving the inclusion of yoga throughout the telling.


  2. Love it. Having been to a yoga class and failing badly at it, I appreciate his comments. Looking forward to more.


    1. I imagine it’s how I would look if I attended a class. I’ll stick to my living room. Buck’s braver than I am, I guess.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. love it! And like Flossie, I am soooo not good at yoga so I appreciate this! wobble, wobble. LOL Jillian


  4. Loving the progression of things. Love the inclusion of yoga. I’ve been working the mat myself here lately. 😀


    1. I need to get my mat out more often too.


  5. He and I have similar feels on yoga 🙂 Lov the way it moved through the scene


    1. thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.


  6. Such interesting dialogue, right on target. I love his attitude– keeping at it despite his knees and the aching afterward.


  7. Love the back and forth and her not calling Marilyn “mother”. This is a wonderful story. Looking forward to more.


  8. This is a fun scene. Love the interaction between the two.
