Category Garage sale

Finally Holding the Garage Sale

After hours of hauling and arranging and sorting the garage full of other people’s treasures, we were finally able to have the garage sale. We had originally planned to hold it only for one day and prayed the weather would cooperate.  As morning dawned, that was questionable.  Dark clouds were rolling toward us  We had […]

Opening the Garage Sale

The other day we visited a garage sale and I allowed the kids to pick one toy each. My son’s first choice was a tow truck with all the bells and whistles… literally.  Lights blinked, songs played, you name it. It was $3.  More than I would spend at a garage sale for a toy […]

What I’m finding in the garage sale pile

I’m including things from my mother’s house in our garage sale. My sister has been loading the unwanted things and I’ve been hauling them home to sort and price. It’s something of an adventure. Shaking my head at the things my mother saved (9,000 margarine containers?) and the things that were separated from their original […]

Someone else’s treasures

My house is full of them. I’m hoping people will come looking for them at our garage sale. I’ve never done a garage sale before and didn’t realize how much work it took to put one together.  The sorting things, the tagging things and the pricing.  Finding flat surfaces to arrange things on.  Sneaking toys […]