Tuesday Tales

Tuesday Tales


Welcome to Tuesday Tales! This is my  first week participating and I am so excited to be working with a great bunch of ladies. The theme word for this week is ‘ruthless.’ This scene comes from my current work in progress which is as yet untitled, although the file name is ‘bigfoot.’ Generally, it is supposed to be a romantic comedy, although this scene might suggest otherwise.


Harris attempted to wrench Jaiden into the truck, but Marshall jumped into the road with a howl that would have made a sasquatch proud. The distraction was enough to startle Harris. He released Jaiden’s arm and she landed the punch she had been winding up for. The unexpected force slammed him against the wheel well of his truck. He slid down the red paint and landed with a thud on the ground, sputtering dust.

Jaiden raised her foot to kick dirt in his face, but Marshall pulled her back. She took a moment to let the adrenaline rush subside. Her heart thudded in her ears.

“I can’t believe I trusted you,” she snapped.

Harris raised his hand to touch his bruising jaw, then spit a red blob in the dirt. “You chipped my tooth.”

“I’ll chip something else.” Jaiden reared back ready to acquaint his jaw with the toe of her hiking boot.

Marshall eased his body between them, acting as a barrier and calming influence for Jaiden’s temper. “Whoa there, tiger.”

She closed her eyes, willing sensible thoughts to overcome the need to lash out physically. She didn’t need an assault charge from Harris no matter how much he deserved it.

Her ire, however, still needed to vent. “He let me believe we were on the same side, that we were fighting for the same goals. Preserving the environment for future generations, engineering sustainable and renewable energy sources, creating zero impact developments. Instead he’s destroying the fragile ecosystem of a rare butterfly and he’s not even honest about how he’s doing it.”

Harris wiped a slip of bloody drool from his lip. “What would jumping through all your hoops have gotten me? Delays so long your hippie friends would have lost the property to the tax man. What would have happened to the oil then?”


Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out the rest of the Tuesday Tales at  http://tuesdaytales1.blogspot.com/.


  1. wow. lots going on here. Great excerpt. Jillian


  2. Great scene- lots of great details!!


  3. I really like your excerpt– intriguing characters and plot. Well done! Welcome to the group. I followed you on twitter.


  4. Love the action. Excited to read more!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Welcome to TT. Liked today’s snippet. Lot of info.


  6. Welcome to TT! Wonderful excerpt. =)


  7. Very intense scene. I like it! Welcome to TT!


  8. Love the evocative language describing their tussel. And then her accusation and his reply do spell a knotty conflict brewing. Nicely done, you’ve sucked me in.


  9. Great scene. Welcome to our Tuesday Tales Family.


  10. Jaiden sounds like a tough cookie. I like her already. 🙂


  11. Great scene! Welcome to Tuesday Tales Joselyn!
    I love someone fighting for the environment and a sustainable future.


  12. Thank you everyone for stopping by. This has been a fun story to work on.
